The Drive To Achieve Financial Independence

Access direct investment options using your superannuation and SMSF benefits that would not otherwise be available through a traditional super fund. Our private wealth advisers can help you take control of your superannuation savings and be guided by our investment services on acquiring income-producing and capital-appreciating assets.

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Establishing An SMSF

Investors seeking greater control, independence, and accountability with their super assets are becoming aware of the benefits that can be gained through directing their retirement savings into Self-Managed Super Funds.

An SMSF is a trust and a private superannuation fund set up for the benefit of 1 to 6 members who are also the trustees (or directors if there is a corporate trustee) of the super fund. SMSFs are regulated by the ATO. The trustees (SMSF member(s)) are responsible for the decisions made about the funds, investment strategy, choice of asset classes, and execution type.

Although many Australians have turned to Superannuation SMSF for flexibility, choice, and more investment options to help accelerate their wealth creation objectives, you must accept an SMSF is an investment vehicle approved to serve a very specific purpose, which is to provide retirement income in line with superannuation laws and regulations.

Where It Is Determined An Superannuation SMSF Is The Right Solution For You

Your financial adviser and SMSF accredited professionals can guide you with insights on how you can best benefit from this tax-effective investment vehicle. When seeking SMSF advice, it is the adviser’s role to help design an investment strategy. Also, advisers can help set up the SMSF, engage an accredited SMSF accountant for the ongoing administrative duties, and nominate an investment manager for your SMSF assets. We can take on the ongoing investment management duties and administer your investment strategies and asset allocation at your discretion.

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