Responsible investing

Adopting a long-term perspective is more crucial than ever, which necessitates the incorporation of sustainability into our everyday investment choices, proactive ownership, and reporting methodologies.

We Build Investors Dreams

Fixed Income Investing, Bonds, Private Debt Investments And Alternative Fixed Income Products For Institutional, Wholesale And Retail Investors

Investing for a sustainable world

With over a century of combined investment expertise, MPS is well-versed in adopting a long-term perspective. In this approach, we address not only the immediate requirements and aspirations of the current generation but also anticipate the needs of future generations. Developing sustainable investment solutions requires vision, patience, and endurance. As global dynamics evolve, so too must our approach to investment as an entire discipline.

Towards a more responsible form of capitalism

A diverse range of investors, from professional pension managers to couples planning their children’s education, now expect that investment managers will integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria into their decision-making, along with traditional financial metrics.

The investment community plays a crucial role in driving positive change, propelling progress, and funding innovative technologies. At MPS, together with many of our clients, we are directing capital to support the real economy, always with an eye towards the needs of future generations. We are evolving our investment perspective, creating a more comprehensive and resilient process designed to generate robust sustainable returns.

We are dedicated advocates of responsible investment and are eager to promote sustainable finance actively. The industry needs to adopt a more holistic approach that includes considerations for people, the planet, and portfolios, as these elements are fundamentally interconnected over the long term.

For MPS, the transparent measurement and disclosure of the impacts of our investments are critical for distinguishing genuine integration from mere superficial compliance. To achieve this, we are thoroughly incorporating ESG factors into our investment strategies, risk management, and reporting procedures, and also embedding these principles early in our economic research and financial analysis.

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