About MPS

MPS, based in Victoria with over 20 years of experience, is a client-focused investment firm offering services in wealth management, asset management, fixed income, and trading. Our mission is to forge responsible partnerships with our clients, colleagues, and communities, and the companies we invest in, aiming to preserve and grow wealth across all sectors for the real economy.

We Build Investors Dreams

Fixed Income Investing, Bonds, Private Debt Investments And Alternative Fixed Income Products For Institutional, Wholesale And Retail Investors

Our Guiding Principles​


At the heart of partnership lies the principles of respect, trust, and autonomy, nurtured over many years. It’s about valuing diversity and championing inclusion in all we do.

2. Entrepreneurial Spirit 

Maintaining an entrepreneurial spirit is vital. Many companies lose their edge—boldness, adaptability, and creativity—as they expand, becoming bogged down in bureaucracy. MPS is committed to honouring its entrepreneurial roots, ensuring we remain agile and innovative.

3. Long-term Thinking

Thinking long-term involves overlooking the allure of short-term trends to focus on decisions that promise enduring benefits. Our commitment extends to both our investments and our operational strategies, all designed with a long-term perspective.

4. Independence

Our independence is guaranteed by our lack of external shareholders, allowing us to prioritise the interests of our clients, colleagues, communities, and our investment ventures freely. This independence of thought is fundamental to achieving successful investment outcomes.

5. Responsibility

A deep sense of responsibility defines our approach, aligning with our long-term, partnership-driven ethos. We are dedicated not only to the current generation but also to future ones, as well as to the broader economy and global community—true markers of sustainable thinking.

Our Clients Come First

Our dedication to prioritising our clients’ interests shapes every aspect of our work. We firmly believe that true value for our business is only realised when we deliver tangible value to our clients. Both the returns we generate and the quality of service we provide are the benchmarks of our success.

Active Investment Management

As committed investment managers, we adopt a patient and disciplined approach. Our strategy involves thorough research to uncover and capitalise on undervalued securities. We integrate quantitative models and economic insights to gain a deeper understanding of the businesses we invest in, supplementing this with our seasoned judgement to construct robust portfolios.  

Pursuit of Attractive, Risk-Adjusted Returns

In the realm of investment, risk and return are inseparable. However, mispriced risk presents unique opportunities. Our focus is on identifying such opportunities, comprehensively understanding the associated risks, and investing where the potential returns adequately compensate. This approach steers us clear of overpaying for speculative future growth.

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