Wealth Planning

MPS Wealth Planning services are designed to help you evaluate your current situation and determine if your planning aligns with your objectives—for both yourself and future generations. We employ a systematic approach to analyse your legal, fiscal, and financial requirements and options. Where necessary, we can collaborate with our network of independent specialists to deliver a comprehensive solution encompassing wealth structuring, tax planning, and legal support.

We Build Investors Dreams

Fixed Income Investing, Bonds, Private Debt Investments And Alternative Fixed Income Products For Institutional, Wholesale And Retail Investors

Wealth Structuring

After conducting a detailed analysis of your situation, we can assist you in selecting and establishing the most suitable structure to manage your wealth. We possess extensive expertise in managing trusts, foundations, life assurance policies, investment funds, and corporations, ensuring your assets are optimally structured for long-term security and efficiency.

Estate Planning

Preparing to pass on wealth to the next generation can be a complex process. Seeking independent advice can clarify and simplify this process. Our extensive experience in estate planning has equipped us with valuable insights on successfully transferring businesses, money, and other assets to your heirs.

General Tax & Legal Issues

Staying ahead of tax and legal changes is crucial for optimal financial planning. Today’s tax and legal landscapes are increasingly intricate, especially when family members reside in different countries, hold multiple citizenships, or own property abroad. We continuously monitor international legislation, including double taxation treaties and private international law, to stay ahead of these changes and ensure we deliver the best possible financial planning solutions to you.

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